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27-05-04 09:45  Re: Skoda Kauba P.14-01

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Well, Nobi, you sure get around. I'm wondering whether the Skoda Kauba is the beginning of a Luftwaffe 46 series, or just a one-off project? Personally I'd really like to see more of these bizarre designs turned into models.

28-05-04 05:50  Re: Skoda Kauba P.14-01

() - kliknij dopiero po wczytaniu całego wątku
Hi There,

back to my skoda today i add tail's wing and exhaust

Best Regards

"If the model turns into a failure -- immediately tell everyone it's a prototype"

Visit Thaipaperwork at

28-05-04 05:53  Re: Skoda Kauba P.14-01

() - kliknij dopiero po wczytaniu całego wątku () - kliknij dopiero po wczytaniu całego wątku () - kliknij dopiero po wczytaniu całego wątku
and wing

Best Regards

"If the model turns into a failure -- immediately tell everyone it's a prototype"

Visit Thaipaperwork at

28-05-04 05:55  Re: Skoda Kauba P.14-01

() - kliknij dopiero po wczytaniu całego wątku
another view, and tail's fillet install

Best Regards

"If the model turns into a failure -- immediately tell everyone it's a prototype"

Visit Thaipaperwork at

28-05-04 14:11  Re: Skoda Kauba P.14-01
Kuba B 

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I've got a question to you NOBI about your S-3 that you designed some time ago. I've downloaded this model and searched for section parts (cross sections of the aircraft) and I couldn't find any. Is it allright or I miss something?

28-05-04 15:45  Re: Skoda Kauba P.14-01


Hi Kuba :)

Do u believe that S-3 is my first model what i begin design :)

I think u mean about internal former ;) that S-3 not have internal former, just only strip for connect each part together.

Best Regards

"If the model turns into a failure -- immediately tell everyone it's a prototype"

Visit Thaipaperwork at

31-05-04 17:47  Re: Skoda Kauba P.14-01

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what's the next project???

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