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Projekt Grupowy:  50 lat Małego Modelarza  
Na tapecie:  Akcja sprzątania forum. W czynie społecznym, bez nagród i medali :>  
Na tapecie:  Projekt 50 lat Małego Modelarza - apel o uzupełnienie brakujących zdjęć.  

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01-10-16 18:29  [R] Japanese Ironclad AZUMA

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Galerie - 1


Here my first try to put some photographs on this forum, I hope I will succeed, if I succeed I will also place photographs of my other ships I am building right now:
Here the first one AZUMA, the first "modern" Japanese warship of the new Imperial Japanese Navy. AZUMA is the ex. Confederate ship CSS Sonewall, the ship is build from scratcht.

Post zmieniony (02-10-16 09:44)

01-10-16 18:36  Odp: Japanese Ironclad AZUMA

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Galerie - 5

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Great ship! Is it your own project?

,,Problemem nie jest problem, problemem jest twoje nastawienie do problemu"
Pozdrawiam, Piotr

01-10-16 18:41  Odp: Japanese Ironclad AZUMA

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Relacje w toku - 3
Relacje z galerią - 7
Galerie - 1

Hi Jan,
Nice you have finally shown your model on Konradus. Hope to see more in the future;)


Post zmieniony (01-10-16 18:41)

01-10-16 19:02  Odp: Japanese Ironclad AZUMA

Na Forum:
Relacje w toku - 3
Galerie - 1

I used Heinkel's model hull frames as templates, but the rest is all build out of scratch and my scale is 1:100
Thanks for your words, you encouraged, and helped me to put photographs of my models here, thanks !!!!

Post zmieniony (01-10-16 19:04)

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