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Projekt Grupowy:  50 lat Małego Modelarza  
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05-12-14 09:34  AERO 145 - project 1/33

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Dears, I would like to introduce my new project. It will be again Czech plane Aero-145 in scale 1/33. 3D model is done for 80% and I'm missing only interior and undercarriage. Final model build will start within 2 weeks and prototype should be done in mid February.

05-12-14 11:42  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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Agostini, could you prepare also a polish painting version? For example for sanitary plane from Aviation Museum in Cracow...

LSM member ;)

Dobry modelarz sklei model każdego, nawet najgorszego projektanta.
Dobry projektant zaprojektuje model który sklei każdy, nawet najgorszy modelarz.
Warsztat: kraciaste cos ;)

05-12-14 12:44  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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Rafael, otwórz miniaturkę z renderem :)


05-12-14 13:10  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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No tak... Kliknac mi sie nie chcialo :)

LSM member ;)

Dobry modelarz sklei model każdego, nawet najgorszego projektanta.
Dobry projektant zaprojektuje model który sklei każdy, nawet najgorszy modelarz.
Warsztat: kraciaste cos ;)

25-12-14 16:32  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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I have now finished 3D model and during January I will post pics from test build of this plane:

26-12-14 02:02  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33


fajna maszynka.... od dawna mi sie podoba

02-01-15 08:44  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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I have started build of prototype and below I'm posting some pics from alpha build. Model fits perfect, but there must be some changes in construction and also I will add some more details. I hope you will like this model and more pics will come soon

02-01-15 11:08  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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some more pics from build:

02-01-15 12:06  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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Very nice :) I waiting for more :)

LSM member ;)

Dobry modelarz sklei model każdego, nawet najgorszego projektanta.
Dobry projektant zaprojektuje model który sklei każdy, nawet najgorszy modelarz.
Warsztat: kraciaste cos ;)

20-01-15 08:51  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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model of Aero is growing. I have finished wings and engines and I found out some small problems, which have to be corrected. Now my model is beeing tested and after these tests I will make all corrections and build final model. Below are some pics from my build

22-01-15 10:05  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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so my first build is now finished. Maybe somebody has registred biggest mistake on this model, which is mirrored engines, but this correction will be really easy. Final model will be simillar to this build and I will only make some small corrections and add some screws. My next build will be the same plane but with different colours and hopefully this plane should be on sale from April/May this year. Below are some pics from my build:

22-01-15 10:27  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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Może jestem ślepy ale wloty powietrza są chyba po niewłaściwej stronie..

GG 6801515

22-01-15 11:21  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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Jaroslav napisał:

> Może jestem ślepy ale wloty powietrza są chyba po niewłaściwej stronie..
> --
yes, whole engines are mistake, but I will correct these.

17-09-15 09:21  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

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Dears, model is now corrected and finally finished also in CZ colours as below:

I hope you will like this one. PL version should be available seen by GPM :-)

29-12-19 18:44  Odp: AERO 145 - project 1/33

Witam wszystkich.
jestem tu nowy, choć czytam od dawna.

Mam pytanie, czy kotś z Was skleił ten model, bo relacja w internecie jest tylko ta jedna.

Z góry dziękuje za odpowiedź.

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