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15-05-19 21:24  Museum model MS Batory

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In the Gdynia_Muzeum_Emigracji there was/is a model displayed of MS BATORY (1936). I saw a few low res photographs on the internet. But I am wondering if some of forum members have detailed Hi-Res photographs of the model. I would be very interested in such photographs. I am planning to build the WAK card model of the ship, but like to give it some more detail, that is why photographs of the model would come in handy.
I hope someone or even more people could help me to these photographs.
Many thanks in advance


16-05-19 15:39  Odp: Museum model MS Batory

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Tłum: John - "Senkan"

"W Gdyńskim Muzeum Emigracji był / jest pokazany model MS BATORY (1936). Widziałem kilka zdjęć o niskiej rozdzielczości w Internecie. Ale zastanawiam się, czy ktoś z forum posiada może szczegółowe zdjęcia tego modelu w wysokiej rozdzielczości? Byłbym bardzo zainteresowany takimi zdjęciami. Planuję zbudować model WAK'u, ale chciałbym nadać mu nieco więcej szczegółów, dlatego przydałyby się fotografie tego modelu.
Mam nadzieję, że ktoś lub może więcej osób mogło by mi pomóc w tej kwestii.
Z góry bardzo dziękuję.


Koledzy, pomożecie?


Post zmieniony (16-05-19 15:40)

16-05-19 18:21  Odp: Museum model MS Batory

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Kiedy byłem ostatnio, to był zakaz fotografowania modelu :-/

Się robi: coś...
skończone ORP Błyskawica 1:300 MO , OS2U Kingfisher 1:33 Orlik , Nowgorod 1:200 Pro-Model , Kamow A-7 1:33 Orlik , TKS 1:25 GPM , Od2 1:25 Modelik ,ISU-152 Modelik 1:25

16-05-19 19:07  Odp: Museum model MS Batory

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Mmmmm....strange, most of the time it is allowed, but without flash though. If they really forbid it , it is very client unfriendly !! Pity !!

Post zmieniony (16-05-19 19:07)

17-05-19 11:48  Odp: Museum model MS Batory

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Senkan, such restrictions are illegal, and this is about time someone finally gets punished for it. The only exception is, of course, photos with a flash – which is prohibited in major part of world museums.

Senkan, takie zakazy są niezgodne z prawem, i najwyższy czas, żeby ktoś wreszcie został za to ukarany. Jedyny wyjątek to oczywiście zdjęcia z fleszem – są one zakazane w większości światowych muzeów.

Post zmieniony (17-05-19 12:16)

19-05-19 18:39  Odp: Museum model MS Batory

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That's what I mean, my point !!! But still nobody so far who was able to take photographs of this model, although I saw some Low-Res ones on the internet. Still hope to find someone who has good quality pictures of this museum model !!

Post zmieniony (19-05-19 18:41)

21-05-19 20:54  Odp: Museum model MS Batory

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Is there still nobody in the whole of Poland that took pictures of this model ???? Hard to believe, are the Polish so law abiding ????

22-05-19 08:29  Odp: Museum model MS Batory

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There is a simple explanation: even if someone took good pictures, he is not obliged to show them on the internet. It has nothing to do with compliance or not the law.

22-05-19 10:21  Odp: Museum model MS Batory

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Well....I rest my case. In the past a lot of Polish guys contacted me via e-mail for data about certain ships, mainly Japanese, which I always rewarded. None of them ever got back to me to say thank you. I just want to say, don't bother anymore, my archive is locked from now.

I like to ask the administrator of this forum to remove me from this forum !!!!

Post zmieniony (22-05-19 10:24)

22-05-19 11:11  Odp: Museum model MS Batory

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Use google translater and ASK ADMINISTRATOR IN POLISH, which is official language in our country! I don't think there will be panic because of your decision :-)

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